Sunday, April 3, 2016

Duping, rapping and killing of young girls at hotels is on the increase now, warn yourself, your sisters, wife, relations and friends against visiting strangers not even the one seems to have been known merely because he has come to visit you.

I don't mean to say you should block yourself out from online presence or stop communicating with strangers outrightly. Truth be told, we are in internet era, and no amount of cybercrime can make us stop the usage of internet. This is the gospel truth and we must accept it as it be. All we need do is be more careful as we would in the real world. Just as in the real world, there is on the cyber world constant interaction between the good, the bad and the ugly.

Therefore, be cautious to always be on a safer side. Be polite online but also use your senses. The Internet is a another big world in the bigger world, some might be fortune, some fortunate, some misfortune and some unfortunate. it is the same world you know where every positive has a corresponding Negative. Obviously, good and genuine persons are on the internet, likewise fake, devilish and dubious persons as well.

The following Guideline sure would help to some extent in cubing the menace of girls duping, rapping and killing resulting from the social media which is the most utilize internet facility.

  1.  Minimize your social media usage and scrutinize every friend request you receive before taking it up for real life meeting. Making friends online is not bad but easily going out with online friends is not online bad but suicidal. Do not take it too serious unless you have undoubtedly established the genuineness of the person in question.

  2.  Before you take an online friend serious, be very sure to have gathered and VERIFIED some vital information about the person, such as, Place of origin, place of residence, place of work, nature of work, school and dept(if a student), religion, place of worship, marital status, Friends and Friend family. Please, I repeat, Verify these information.

  3. If you have any reason to pay him visit at all, Do not be the first and do not go alone. Never agree for a visit at an unfamiliar location or hidden terrain -- make it open don't keep it secret. Ensure that few of your trusted ones know about him and your intended visit.

  4. Don't be moved by lies, it is very excess on the internet world. Avoid too much praise about your beauty, majority of those comment are fake. If you doubt me, try it today, post a confirm bad picture of yourself and watch those guy still yell "beautiful", "angelic", "sexy" and all sort of that.

  5. Trust no one not even I the poster. In the internet world, every one is presumed guilty unless proven otherwise by counts of competent facts sorted and verified in the real world. Always bear that at the back of your mind next time you hook up for a chat with anyone.

  6. Except you're a sex hawker, I do not see any reason you should accept any arrangement of a visit in a hotel. if he doesn't want you to come to his house, he must obviously have a skeleton in his cupboard. This is important, please resist any excuse as to why it must be in a hotel. Also, do not go alone especially on a first-time visit. 

  7. Dress properly and descent while you embark on any visit. Do not go with any valuable, but please have some cash for your safe return and guard it jealously. Nothing is as worst and embarrassing as being at the mercy of street guys when you are stranded of cash. While you go, avoid loads of luggage it will save you stress and and help you stay at alert should anything happened that you want to save your head. Do not be tempted to go with any valuable. for instance, If you have a an expensive that you value much, please drop it at home and go with Nokia torch, also do not embark on the visit while you're returning home from school or going back to school, you might be in position of your school fees, vital school documents or other valuable which you may risk loosing. When on any visit, anywhere or anytime please be as wise as serpent and tactful as lion.

  8. Last but not the least, While on social media, Be yourself, be real and have a genuine motive.Remember the law of Kamma, whatever you think or do comes back to you in equal measure. No matter who you are or how smart you're, the nature knows how to reward you in due time. If your purpose is deploying seductive maneuver sucking men pocket dry, you must definitely meet a 'sweetheart' who will use sweet lies to get you trapped and milk you dry. Remember these: Good, real and genuine people, whose motive are also real abounds on the social media -- you only meet them when you have corresponding genuine motive. Likewise, Dubious, fake and devilish people are also on social media,-- you will sure meet such people when you continue to be fake, devious and devilish.


By: Chukwuka Basil Uche

If you like the Piece, please share, who knows you might be saving the next victim, that young girl who had finalized plan to visit her fake online lover tomorrow.
Please share the piece and save a soul today.
thank you.


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