Sunday, May 8, 2016

A farmer had a dog that used to sit by the roadside waiting for vehicles to come around.
As soon as one came he would run down the road, barking and trying to overtake it.

One day a neighbor asked the farmer "Do you think your dog is ever going to catch a car?" The farmer replied, "That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do if he ever caught one."

Are you living your life like that dog who continually pursue what it has no knowledge of what to do with when he succeeded in catching it ? or do you look before you leap?

What are you pursuing in life? What is your sole aim for going after it?  If you do not think of any useful aim why bother  yourself pursuing it at all? Why waste your time pursuing that which you know is of no use to you? Why waste your precious time in futility? 

These are very important questions the wise ones ask that the fools never bother to ask before pursuing any undertaking in life. It is the instinct of a man to acquire but it is the skill of the wise ones to seek after the required. The wise ones draw to themselves only what they actually required, while the fools always seek to acquire whatever their senses can perceive whether needful or not. The following are other differentiating traits between a fool and a wise one :


Just like the dog mentioned above, the fools pursues whatever that come their way with no reasonable aim of what value it contribute to their life, nor any knowledge if it is of any use at all. 

A fool delves into every venture without the prior knowledge of  its' value, required skills, risk involve, benefits and disbenefits.

He is moved by his innate sensitiveness, not sensibleness thus he always respond to his instinct of vicariousness and continues to acquire what are not necessarily required.

He does not let go of trivialities and can waste his entire life fighting for just no course, whenever he felt his 'right' is tampered with, without considering if such a right is worth the fight at all. 

He battles to maintain unnecessary protocol even when such contribute no values to life. 

He makes if needless issue and unnecessarily expect others to respect him while he do not care to respect himself.  

He is a glutton who would always want to eat, even though not hungry, whenever he sights or perceive an aroma of anything seeming to him to be food. 

Unfortunately, his life always ends up in a big irony -- he pursue all and achieve non.


Conversely, the wise one always looks before he leaps. 

He always let go of frivolities and goes after substance and its' essence.  

He is very calculative of whatever his undertaken have to offer at the end. 

He assesses whatever he pursues, where, when and how to go about it, and always arms himself with needful knowledge of it all, the expected risk, and the outcome before undertaking any venture. 

He is a genus who only strike at the essence and let go of the trivial. 

He do not engage in a fight that will never end up resulting in needful value. 

When his right is involved, he always weighs the right, the fight and mark, then make the best judgement to engage in the fight if the right is worth the mark or to let go of the right if the fight is not worth the mark. 

He controls his selfish instinct and always goes only for the needful. 

He always respects himself and do not unnecessary expect others to respect him. 

He is not a glutton,  but only eats when it is needful to eat. 

He is a man who does everything with reason and such a man after his life continues to impact the lives of men.

Now that you've know, which do you choose to become, the wise or the fool?

Choose to become a fool? 
Continue to chase shadow while you left behind the substance.
Wine and dine in futility then die shamefully in absurdity. 
Seek to acquire all and then end up achieving non.

Choose to become a Wise?
Then learn to let go of frivolities and chase after the substance and essence. 
Fight your innate inordinate desires, selfishness and gluttony. 
Seek after what you required not what to acquire.  
Learn to let go of right which is of not reasonable value.
Before you fight have a clear view of the need, the end and your gain, if there is any reasonable need,  then arm yourself and embark on the fight, if there is no need at all, hold on, sheet your sword and call for a dialog. 

''If you want be wise, you should learn to respect yourself for the wise ones respect themselves while the fools expect other to respect them''

''Always have a reason for whatever you do for acting out of reason is what make people unreasonable''
chukwuka Basil Uche


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