Sunday, May 22, 2016

 Today I want us to dwell on the power of thinking and its' connection to becoming. This is a key aspect of personality building, simple also but most difficult to understand. The reason being that thought at times comes involuntarily and tends to be very difficult to control. This therefore formed yet another important sub to the topic of discussion -- how best to control your thought. 

The issue of mind control is as much as self control. Hence anyone who can control him/her mind would sure have no problem controlling his/herself, thinking and actions. It is the mind that initiate it all, the thinking, then the thought triggers the body to action. Thus, whatever that man does starts right from the mind. Think of the platform you are reading this at the moment, think of the school you attended, think of the house you are leaving in, think of the bank, the cloths, all once an idea resided in someone's mind before it came to manifestation.

Nothing made by human that has not once existed in the mind before it came to be. This shows a strong connection between Mind, Thought, actions and Manifestation. The body is in perpetual communication with the mind and mostly works on it's instructions.

If you are a student of computer, you will understand the body as a computer hardware, the mind as the software, the thought as a program bits and the brain as the processor.  You will also understand the process of thinking as a software programing, the way the computer works depends on the programme written in the software, if the right codes are written into the software, the computer does the right thing, but if the wrong code is written into the software, the computer either misbehave or crashes. 

Same is applicable to human beings, when the positive thoughts are constantly fed to the mind the person has no other option that to become positive, while in other case the negative thoughts are constantly fed to the mind the person definitely turns out to become negative.

What this mean therefore, is that the mind is the power of manifestation. whatever that is placed in the mind, unless removed and replaced, must come to manifest. why did I said replaced? Because the mind is such a retentive entity that whatever that it holds, lingers even when it is removed unless it is replaced entirely. This is sure an important way to control your mind.

In other to be in absolute control of your mind, you must first of all learn to remove and replace unwanted thoughts from your mind. It is very important you decide what you want your person to manifest, examine your mind and get rid of any contradicting thought, then replace with the positive thought about your  desired person, as soon as this is achieved, you will see your self becoming that which you desired to become. At times negative thoughts do not just left as easy as that, but with constant countering with the positive thinking, you wont even know when it get lost.

The next is act. It is very important when you think you act. Thus, Norman Vincent Peal puts it, "if you want a quality, act as if you already have it, if you want to be courageous, act as if you were - and as you act and persevere in acting, so you tend to become". Aristotle rather put it this way, "Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way. You become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions". Therefore you become what you think and act.

 Chukwuka Basil Uche

...To be continued.



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